
Category : Sober living

Alcohol and Your Health Teen Drinking

Although binge drinking can have negative health consequences, not all people who binge drink are necessarily addicted to alcohol. However, occasional teen alcohol and drug abuse can quickly escalate into teen addiction and have an impact on your home life. Further, the risk of developing a problem with alcohol use later in life is increased […]

How to Curb Alcohol Cravings: A Definitive Guide

This leads to compassion-based change which can create more effective, longer lasting, and deeper change in our lives. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) suggests that 40% to 60% of people with substance use disorders experience a relapse at some point. Don’t wait another day to get the help you or a loved one […]

Recovery Motivation Ways to Get Motivated to Achieve Sobriety

Many individuals struggling with addiction experience mixed feelings about quitting or reducing their substance use. MET aims to evoke and strengthen their motivation to change by addressing this ambivalence in a non-confrontational and empathetic manner. Although extrinsic motivators can spark initial action, intrinsic motivation is key for sustaining long-term recovery. Intrinsic motivation is more sustainable […]

What Is Addiction? Definition, Signs, Treatment, and More

Knowing what withdrawal symptoms and overdose symptoms look like may save your loved one’s life. It is currently estimated that about 10% of adults struggle with a substance abuse disorder. Though your loved one may not admit to having a drug problem, it is important to be able to recognize the signs of drug abuse. […]

Children of Alcoholics: Statistics on the Effects of Alcohol on Families

They also are at high risk for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, substance abuse and suicide. If you grew up in an alcoholic or addicted family, chances are it had a profound impact on you. The feelings, personality traits, and relationship patterns that you developed to cope with an alcoholic parent, come with you to work, romantic […]

Hallucinogens: Facts, Effects, and Types

These differences will be important to take into account in considering both medical and recreational cannabis use, and in implementing appropriate gender-tailored treatments for cannabis use disorders (Fattore, 2013). For our purposes, the atypical hallucinogens are defined as substances capable of engendering psychedelic-like effects through diverse pharmacological mechanisms in addition to the previously described monoaminergic […]

Recovery Motivation Ways to Get Motivated to Achieve Sobriety

In sobriety, your support group may include people from treatment, meeting attendees, and supportive family members and friends. Your support community will recovery motivation help to ensure you are staying motivated when you are struggling. It is human nature to avoid discomfort and recovering from addiction is uncomfortable. Stay Cool and Calm By following the […]

What Happens When You Stop Drinking? Benefits, Side Effects, Tips

Content Boost brain power What Is Alcoholism? Months When to Contact a Medical Professional Exactly how much time may vary according to the condition and the individual. It’s hardly a secret that having a few drinks alters the way your brain works. People having experienced alcohol withdrawal may suffer from sleep problems or minor signs […]

Understanding the Pink Cloud in Early Recovery: A Complete Guide

Understanding that setbacks are part of the process can foster resilience. Supportive environments and positive reinforcement from loved ones can amplify the effects of Pink Clouding. While beneficial, barbiturates: usage effects and signs of barbiturate overdose this external validation needs to be balanced with a realistic outlook on recovery. Psychologically, the relief from the constant […]

Acute and chronic effects of hydration status on health Nutrition Reviews

After all, many types of tea contain caffeine, which is a diuretic like alcohol. Unlike alcohol, however, a recent study showed that even drinking nothing but tea for twelve hours did not significantly impact dehydration levels. When consumed in moderation, caffeine, unlike alcohol, does not appear to dehydrate you. Drinking water is the easiest way […]